Exercise Tracker API
This project is based on the FreeCodeCamp Backend Development & API Certification project. However, I decided to do it differently from the requirements to learn and try new technologies.
Here are the differences and their reasons:
- Use of TypeScript
- I wanted to gain more experience using TypeScript
- Prisma ORM over Mongoose
- I enjoy the way Prisma keeps the database in sync
- I really like how easy it is to enforce schemas and how it ensures type-safety
- PostgreSQL/MySQL over MongoDB
- I personally prefer using a relational database over a noSQL database because it's more structured
- I kind of wanna try using AWS RDS or Render's Database as a Service
- Since I also wanted to try out using serverless databases, I also decided to try out using Planetscale, which is a serverless MySQL database.
- Deployed through Render
- I was planning to deploy to AWS Elastic Beanstalk cause I am trying to learn more about AWS, failed for some reason. Will look back into it
- Alternative is to use Render, which is another PaaS that I wanted to try, ever since Heroku starts limiting their free tier
Tech Stack
- Express
- Prisma ORM
- TypeScript
- PostgreSQL via Render / MySQL via PlanetScale
- Render